Burn use cases

Section describes the events when DBT is burnt and permanently removed from the total supply

With each of these use cases, more tokens are burned, and the velocity of token burn increases as the usage of each case improves, given the token utilises a burn and mint model:

  1. Data Consumption: Users pay for data consumption with the token, leading to the continuous burning of tokens as more data is used. The faster the network's data usage grows, the more tokens are burned. This increases the velocity of token burn.

  2. Onboarding Fees: The attachment fee, leasing fee and provisioning fee is paid with $20 worth of DBT is burnt for each hotspot getting activated on the Dabba Network.

  3. Staking: When users stake their tokens, they are effectively locking them up and reducing the circulating supply. As more users stake to support the network, the impact of tokens that are burned otherwise is increased because of staked supply not being in circulation.

  4. Access to New Features: The acquisition of tokens to access premium features contributes to their scarcity. As demand for these features grows, more tokens are burned, and the rate of burn increases.

  5. Advertising Network: Advertising fees are paid in tokens, and as the advertising network expands, more tokens are utilized and subsequently burned. This mechanism leads to an increased velocity of token burn as the network's reach grows.

  6. Merchandise: When users purchase merchandise using the token, it reduces the supply of tokens. An uptick in merchandise sales further fuels token burn, accelerating its velocity.

  7. Discounts on Hardware: The provision of discounts in exchange for hardware results in a continuous reduction in token supply. As more users take advantage of these discounts, the rate of token burn increases.

  8. Software Subscription Services: Subscribing to services with tokens steadily depletes the token supply. The more users subscribe to software services, the faster tokens are burned.

  9. App Fees: Developers pay fees in tokens to maintain their applications. As the number of applications and developer activity increases, the token burn rate surges.

  10. Platform Fees: As the platform's popularity grows, more users and developers pay fees in tokens, leading to a substantial and increasing token burn rate.

  11. Transaction Fees: The more transactions that occur on the platform, the more tokens are used for transaction fees. An active ecosystem results in a higher velocity of token burn.

  12. Ownership Transfer Fees: Transferring ownership of digital assets within the platform continuously burns tokens, and this burn rate amplifies as more assets change hands.

  13. KYC/User Onboarding Fee: New user registrations and KYC processes lead to the burning of tokens. As the platform expands, the token burn rate accelerates with increasing user onboarding.

  14. Hotspot Onboarding Fees: Enrolling IoT or networking devices involves fees paid in tokens. The more devices that connect to the network, the faster tokens are burned.

  15. Resource Allocation (Storage, RAM, Compute, GPU): Users allocate resources by staking or paying with tokens. As resource allocation increases with the growth of the platform, tokens are burned at a higher rate.

  16. Bluetooth and WiFi Hardware Access: Access fees for Bluetooth and WiFi connections consume tokens. An expanding user base seeking these services results in a swifter rate of token burn.

  17. Incentivize Developers to Build Apps: Rewarding developers with tokens for building apps encourages greater developer activity. As more developers participate, the rate of token burn accelerates, reflecting the platform's growth and vitality.

In this context, it's clear that the burn and mint model ensures that the token supply is constantly reduced as the ecosystem's usage and functionality expand, ultimately leading to a higher velocity of token burn.

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